This PechaKucha presentation is from a journalist in Bangor, Me.
Traditionally, a PechaKucha is a presentation of 20 slides that stay up for 20 seconds each. The idea is that under the time constraint and with rotating visuals, presenters will “talk less and show more.” For our in-class PechaKucha presentations on Oct. 23 from 1-4 pm, you will be presenting 10 slides that stay up for 30 seconds each. The images you use can range from those of a story subject, a document, a place, text. Make sure you stick to the allotted time, which is 5 minutes in total. It’s okay if you haven’t completed all of your reporting at this point, but you should be able to tell your story. In other words, I’d like you “tell the story of the story you’re going to tell in your MRP.” Make sure that you start your presentation with your own reflections on you chose your story idea. You will receive a graded mark evaluating the quality of your presentation and your progress on your project.
DON’T FORGET: Please sign up for your preferred presentation time slot here. And make sure you practice several times before our Oct. 23 presentations. For tips and resources related to building PechaKucha presentations, click here.
HOW TO TIME YOUR SLIDES: Once you’ve created a 10-slide presentation in Google Slides, go to the File menu and select Publish to the web.

1. Adjust the Auto-advance timing to 30 seconds and click Require viewers to sign into their Ryerson University account. Then click Publish.

2. Cut and paste the Google-generated URL and email the link to me before 9 am on Wednesday, Oct. 23. (This video also offers a step-by-step guide.)
FRIDAY MEMO: A reminder that your fourth Friday Memo is due as a 350-400-word post on your individual blog on Friday, Oct. 11 before 5 p.m. You will be writing a weekly reflective blog post updating me, your supervisor and your peer partner on your progress with the production of your MRP. Topics you might want to address include interviews, research, visuals, pivots, challenges and triumphs. You will receive a Pass (10) for each published post and a Fail (0) for each week missed. Each week, I will raise issues that come up for class discussion.
COFFEE + WRITING CIRCLE: After our Oct. 23 class, we will no longer be meeting in-person on Wednesdays. You will be working with your supervisor on producing a first draft of your MRP by December 13. To help keep you on track with your MRP, we’re launching an MJ Coffee + Writing Circle that meets on Wednesdays (until mid-December) from 2-4 pm in the Catalyst. I hope that this regular two-hour window offers you a chance to get together informally and help each other out on your projects.